Saturday, May 30, 2009

Awesome Championship

Today found Team Fyrd in the Subleague championships. And WHAT A DAY!!!

Hakon and Gunnar 1st place! Hakon hard fought matches and Gunnar, well....what can I say.....GREAT JOB....!!

She didn't place. She won 2 and lost 6 matches, but that isn't the end of the story!

Here is what her coach had to say (and her father):

"I have been helping her train and coaching her for several years now. To be there the moment when the tides turned for her was indescribable. She went from children's division, teen to women's in a matter of three years. I witnessed her train her heart out at practice, the track, silently by herself in her room. I have seen Erika face her fears time and again against intimidating opponents, not ever backing down or giving up. Today was the day all her hard work and perseverance paid off. All I can say is that we are all so proud of her and that the women's division *better* prepare." Asrekyr OR

And that is it in a nutshell. We have been calling Erika our Kettlebell Queen. I have come home and wondered where Erika was to find she was doing kettlebells in her room.

Her strength shone today. She picked up 120+ women to dump them off and escape armbars.....amazing.

She lost more than she won, but she in heart she won more than she lost. A Champion.

Videos and Pix to come!

Hail the Future of our Folk!

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