Sunday, February 22, 2009

Ostara Is Coming!

Ostara is the time when the Sun and Warmth of Spring and Summer finally triumphs over the Dark and Coldness of Fall and Winter. It is a time to Rejoice in our Surviving another Winter both literally and spiritually. I personally feel very renewed. We have been quiet over the Winter, regenerating, renewing and reflecting on our past year. It has been a great introspection and I feel like I can attack the year full board.

So our community is quickly planning our upcoming Ostara celebration. It includes three Hearths in the area: Donar's Hearth OR, Thunar's Kin Hearth AOR, and RavensHalla Hearth for around 35 people. It is an amazing time with games, crafts and plenty of goodies. We are currently discussing a site to have it. Anyone who knows the PNW, knows the difficulty of figuring out the is a real toss up in Spring (or really any season here). So I will announce our official itinerary when we have all that figured out.

Until then, check out our very special Ostara section on the Acorn Hollow website:

I will end with the OR's Children's Invocation:

Odin and Ostara, lead me in the ways of the Gods.
May I be honest and true to my family and friends.
Teach me to care for the animals, trees, flowers and birds.
Guard me and my family and may we always have your blessings.

Hail Ostara!
Hyndla OR

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